Time is a Circle: A Simultaneous Examination of the Past, Present & Future of Black Ascension [llucy llong]

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Note #1.jpg

Lineage Reflection: 

How we connect to our history, ancestry, culture, traditions, familial patterns, spiritual practices, etc.

Mood Board GIF #1 (Photos via Pinterest)

Mood Board GIF #1 (Photos via Pinterest)



The core belief of Ascend Together In Power is that a strong, healthy family unit is comprised of well-balanced individuals who practice supreme introspection and are in tune with their higher Source/Self.

Mood Board GIF #2 (Photos via Pinterest/Tumblr)

Mood Board GIF #2 (Photos via Pinterest/Tumblr)

Future Building: 

Building a foundation from pillars of lineage reflection and introspection and deciding what traditions, morals, and values will be continued from the past/present.  This is also an opportunity to create new ideals to be instilled within our youth.

"if one can rise within, all can rise together"

"if one can rise within, all can rise together"

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