Free Easy and Unsolicited [tae lee]
Talking about art theory feels masturbatory and elitist. Go look at a show IRL and quit looking at screens to experience art.
Talking about the unrest in the world feels overwhelming, and I’m broken by my own lack of knowledge in context and history. Ukraine? Huh?
Identity politics? Confusing and alienating.
The esoteric and philosophical? Yawn.
SO what’s there to talk about?
Practical things you can do to get into a state of mind that feels true and present.
Wim Hof Breathing
This little breathing exercise changed my life. I do this everyday, and it helped me get rid of almost all anxiety and melancholy. Plus it feels like the best kind of CBD high.
I think the main purpose of the exercise is to get comfortable with un-comfort. The things that make us uncomfortable are often the things we need to work on the most, and most of us are so bad at doing just that.
Looking at our own faults,
doing the things you know you should be doing,
feels way more uncomfortable than the ease of activities that bring pleasure
like looking endlessly at the phone, getting lost in video games, binging Netflix, etc etc.
So here’s how to do it:
1 - Inhale FULLY! All the way in, then breathe out half way. Repeat 30 times.
2 - On the last exhale, empty your lungs all the way and hold it for as long as you can.
3- When you feel like you can’t hold it any longer, BREATH IN as MUCH AS YOU CAN and HOLD!
4 - Hold it 15-20 seconds and breath out.
5 - Repeat 3-4 times.
Who is Wim Hof?
Video tutorial:
Personal results:
I give credit to this exercise for changing my life for the better. All of my relationships and improved, mind clarity is high. The negative traits that I have like jealousy and pettiness will never be gone, but as soon as I start to feel those things, my mindfulness allows me to recognize the thoughts arising, and I have the choice to keep going or not.
Dial in your caloric and nutritional needs.
I used to think the concept of calories and nutrition just wasn’t for me. Maybe it was for like Hollywood model types or something, but not for a working class Tae like me.
One day though, on a whim I took action and figured shit out. I learned that basically you have a TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) which basically is how much calories you use per day. We all have different numbers, with factors such as age, gender, activity level and so on. If you eat more than the number, you gain weight, if you eat less, you lose weight.
Super basic stuff, but not a lot of us take the time to figure our TDEE out.
Just google TDEE calculator to find out your number.
This is a great first step, wether you are trying to lose weight, or gain weight. Even if you don’t wanna change your body, your nutrition effects your energy and mood.
Think about daily spending habits
Money is a mystery, sometimes it feels almost mystical in how it works. Sometimes I make money, sometimes I don’t, but it seems like I always have enough to stay alive. Weird.
Living in NYC, I was a prolific smoker. Like 2 packs a day. Back then in NYC cigarettes were around $10-12 a pack. So let’s calculate.
On an average:
$10 a day on cigarettes.
31 days in a month so lets 10 x 30 =
$300 dollars a month on cigarettes.
Now lets add other daily spending habits.
$2 a day on coffee at my cafe.
Plus a $1 tip.
$3 a day, $90 a month on coffee.
Now lets say you have one beer at the cheapest grimiest dive bar.
$3 dollars a day on beer, $90 a month.
Adding the cigarettes, coffee, and beer = $300 + $90 + $90 = $480 a month on needless expenses.
I mean this is a relative number but that’s an insane number. You could get a bigger apartment, fly to Hawaii every month, or get health insurance with that kind of money.
Just be mindful, why is it easy to spend 15 dollars on a meal, but I have trouble buying a 10 dollar brush that I NEED for my paintings?