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Issue 42 | MARCH


Issue 41 | FEBRUARY

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Issue 40 | JANUARY


Issue 39 | DECEMBER


Issue 38 | NOVEMBER


Issue 37 | October


issue 36 | September


Issue 35 | august


Issue 34 | july

Past contributors


Issue 42 | 5 digging in : nowhere to go _ Claire Molla

Issue 42 | 5 phone notes of note, V _ Mary Grace Allerdice

Issue 42 | 4 phone notes of note, IV _ anonymous

Issue 42 | 3 phone notes of note, III _ anonymous

Issue 42 | 2 phone notes of note, II _ anonymous

Issue 42 | 1 phone notes of note _ anonymous


Issue 41 | 4 Overcoming Flight _ Carley Rickles

Issue 41 | 3 (extra?) ordinary life _ Carley Rickles

Issue 41 | 2 museums [mostly elsewhere and in the summer] _ Carley Rickles

Issue 41 | 1 prob calm down baby _ Carley Rickles


Issue 40 | 4 new in 100 words, IV _ Onyew Kim

Issue 40 | 3 new in 100 words, III _ Kat Shuford

Issue 40 | 2 new in 100 words, II _ Grace Gardner

Issue 40 | 1 new in 100 words, I _ Maggie Ginestra


Issue 39 | 3 phone notes of note _ Hez Stalcup

Issue 39 | 2 On Exceptional-ness and Average-ness _ Jared Kelley

Issue 39 | 1 I Have Started to Look Around and Notice Still Lives _ Sarah Broyles Ledbetter


Issue 34 | 4 TIME _ Black Beckham

Issue 34 | 3 Thoughts on T*ME, With Out Saying ‘T*ME’ _ Scottie Rowell

Issue 34 | 2 Movement for an Idle Time _ Kathleen Wessel

Issue 34 | 1 notes on art and time _ Nicholas Surbey

Issue 33 | JUNE

Issue 33 | 4 SOMETHING QUIET IN THE DESERT _ Stephanie Demer

Issue 33 | 3 it took me a while to draw my houseplants _ Courtney Jo Greathouse

Issue 33 | 2 meditative mark making _ Jacklin Ariel Smalls

Issue 33 | 1 Kokuga Flower Studio X Lascivia Project _ Kokuga Flower Studio

Issue 32 | MAY

Issue 32 | 4 Walking, Over and Over: A Walking Tour of a Walking Tour in Chicago _ Caroline Wood

Issue 32 | 3 To You _ Sarah O’Neil

Issue 32 | 2 My Mind Within My Body, Moving Through Space _ Larsen Husby

Issue 32 | 1 Disconnecting from the pain body, or: What I did on my almost-summer vacation _ Jared Kelley

Issue 31 | APRIL

Issue 31 | 5 Being _ Mary Tabor

Issue 31 | 4 Mowa _ Emily Smith

Issue 31 | 3 ‘Til Somebody Loves You _ King Anne

Issue 31 | 2 Dead Roots _ Amanda Ake

Issue 31 | 1 (Inserte Historia Aquí), Por Lo Tanto Soy / (Insert Story Here), Therefore I am _ Sonny Pimentel

Issue 30 | MARCh

Issue 30 | 3 So Tenderly

Issue 30 | 2 remember we are here

Issue 30 | 1 learning out loud

Issue 29 | FEBRUARY

Issue 29 | 4 mind maps and minutiae _ Elizabeth Cook

Issue 29 | 3 TERRA INCOGNITA: Or, My Husband’s Inner Life _ Elizabeth Cook

Issue 29 | 2 ALL UTOPIAS ARE DYSTOPIAS _ Elizabeth Cook


Issue 28 | JANUARY

Issue 28 | 3 temperance _ erin palovick

Issue 28 | 2 earth artists _ eve nettles

Issue 28 | 1 fertile ground, emotional landscapes _ eve nettles

Issue 27 | DECEMBER

Issue 27 | 4 intersectionality or big oof _ Greyson Hong

Issue 27 | 3 gender is a drag _ Greyson Hong

Issue 27 | 2 idrk: mass shooting generation _ Greyson Hong

Issue 27 | 1 idrk _ Greyson Hong

Issue 26 | NOVEMBER

Issue 26 | 4 Small Performances _ Neill Prewitt + Coorain Devin

Issue 26 | 3 Smooth is Also Round _ Neill Prewitt

Issue 26 | 2 Video Music: Snapping Shoppers! _ Coorain Devin

Issue 26 | 1 Video Music: My Heart Beats _ Neill Prewitt

Issue 25 | OCTOBER

Issue 25 | 4 a note from the curator _ Schuyler Swenson

Issue 25 | 3 Picture Collection _ Schuyler Swenson

Issue 25 | 2 Playlist Ritual _ Schuyler Swenson


Issue 24 | September

Issue 24 | 3 Fidgette _ Shane Dedman

Issue 24 | 2 Dream Life _ Jonathan Sanchez

Issue 24 | 1 My Brother _ Juan Diego

Issue 23 | August

Issue 23 | 4 Notes on a Text by James Baldwin. _ Becky Grajeda

Issue 23 | 3 Grammar _ Jen Deplour

Issue 23 | 2 Monsters Cannot Be Announced _ Atom Basham

Issue 23 | 1 note from the curator

ISSUE 22 | July

Issue 22 | 4 some findings on dawn _ Jon Waters

Issue 22 | 3 What you see when you close your eyes _ Hannah Neal Fleming

Issue 22 | 2 Dawn _ Yoon Name

Issue 22 | 1 a note from the curators


Issue 21 | 4 100 Fathoms _ Christian Reed

Issue 21 | 3 Pulp _ Ify Akiti

Issue 21 | 2 Pleasure _ Xenia Simos

Issue 21 | 1 a note from the curators

ISSUE 20 | may

Issue 20 | 4 Tension, Balance _ Gabe Duggan

Issue 20 | 3 Time is a Circle: A Simultaneous Examination of the Past, Present & Future of Black Ascension _ Llucy Llong

Issue 20 | 2 tribute _ Kacie Lynn

Issue 20 | 1 a note from the curators

ISSUE 19 | April

Issue 19 | 5 Hell City Offering _ Dianna Settles

Issue 19 | 4 Looking for the lost diamorpha _ Charlie Watts

Issue 19 | 3 Hearth Watch _ Kat Shufford

Issue 19 | 2 a material to be burned _ Carley Rickles

Issue 19 | 1 a note from the curators


ISSUE 18 | november

Issue 18 | 4 field notes from north georgia, on the other side of totality _ Melissa Word

Issue 18 | 3 THREE ECLIPSES _ Charles Bethea

Issue 18 | 2 stain _ Stephanie Kong

Issue 18 | 1 religion, routines, and other round objects _ Addison Miller



Issue 17 | 3 Things I've Held Onto: Paper _ Malina Rodriguez

Issue 17 | 2 Why Fails? _ Blake Beckham

Issue 17 | 1 I'm new here : An interview _ William Downs + Michi Meko


issue 16 | august 2017

Issue 16|4 On gender, disability and access _ Ellie Pourbohloul

Issue 16|4 A Collaboration _ Meredith Blankinship

Issue 16|3 Six Events _ Miriam Karraker

Issue 16|3 Dispersing the Snakes _ Ashley Chambers + Heidi Gustafson

Issue 16|2 SOME NOTES ON SOMATIC WRITING _ Lara Mimosa Montes

Issue 16|1 On language shaped by air / HORIZONS OF SILENCE _ Mara Duvra


issue 15 | July 2017

Issue 17|3 The TAR Manifesto _ Orion Crook + Xenia Simos

Issue 17|2 SHITTY/POETIC _ Hez Stalcup

Issue 17|1 Holes + Tunnels _ Hez Stalcup + Jane Foley


ISSUE 14 |june 2017

Issue 14|4 Protection _ Teresa Cole

Issue 14|3 there’s no hiding in the valley _ JessicaWohl

Issue 14|2 Protect Me From My Intentions: Notes on Language, Memory, and Imagination _ Timothy O'Keefe

Issue 14|1 banana strings _ Mike Calway-Fagen


ISSUE 13 |MAY 2017|

Issue 13|5 on homes and dwelling: a conversation _ Candice Greenhouse and Meredith Kooi

Issue 13|5 An Ease of Pain _ Davion Alston

Issue 13|4 Non-review: A Body in Places _ MaryGrace Phillips

Issue 13|3 A short thoughtful rant, while in process for The g[R]ay Boi... _ Okwae A. Miller

Issue 13|2 Flash Memories _ Emma Alley

Issue 13|1 coming home _ Erin Oakley


ISSUE 12 |march 2017|

Issue 12|4 Dear Floromancy Readers _ Megan Mosholder

Issue 12|4 Empirical Evidence! a Requiem for WoeKill. _ Danielle Deadwyler

Issue 12|3 Things you missed _ Vanessa Jagodinksy

Issue 12|3 Portrait of Erased Faces _ Angela Davis Johnson

Issue 12|2 Sometimes, People Aren't Gonna Like you _ Melissia Fernander

Issue 12|2 Snippet _ Rae Caldas

Issue 12|1 On Developing Beauty _ Haylee Anne


ISSUE 11 |february 2017|

Issue 11|4 normalizing blackness: a conversation with my mother _ Rachelle Knowles

Issue 11|3 Remembering Who I Am _ Kimberly R. Daniel-Brister

Issue 11|2 On Blackness _ ADILLATHEGENIUS

Issue 11|1 Truth On A MARTA Train _ Iman Person


ISSUE 10 |January 2017|

Issue 10|5 Donald Trump vs. John Lewis _ Rex Hussmann

Issue 10|5 A User's Manual _ Thomas Choinacky

Issue 10|4 break _ Aubrey Longley-Cook

Issue 10|3 associations _ collection of responses on Manty Dey's work

Issue 10|2 The Voice Never Sleeps _ Day & Nights Projects

Issue 10|1 phone notes of note 2016 _ MaryGrace Phillips


ISSUE 9 |December 2016|

Issue 9|4 re-working room _ residents of WORKROOM

Issue 9|3 The Sum of Magical Thinking _ Jared Kelley

Issue 9|2 VIBRANCY + RENEWAL _ Billy Mitchell

Issue 9|1 Evidence of Shared Life _ William Massey


ISSUE 8 |november 2016|

guest curators// Chanel Kim+ Jess Bernhart

Issue 8|4 Manual Transmission, Part 2 _ Henry Detweiler + Jane Foley

Issue 8|3 Manual Transmission, Part 1 _ Henry Detweiler + Jane Foley

Issue 8|2 Eternal Rhythms, Part 2 _ Masha Kouzetsova + Jessie Giles

Issue 8|1 Eternal Rhythms, Part 1 _ Masha Kouzetsova + Jessie Giles



Issue 7|7 Interview: Stacie Rose _ Molly Rose Freeman

Issue 7|6 Tahni Holt: Work Room _ Tahni Holt + Luke Wyland

Issue 7|5 the light & dark we all share _ Elizabeth Ocheltree

Issue 7|4 still quills _ Narinder Bazen

Issue 7|3 on the theme of un sound _ Erin Palovick

Issue 7|2 Time and Light _ William Downs

Issue 7|1 Ruminating on Pitchtree, Peachtree, Nickel Bottom, too _ Meredith Kooi



peace, justice, black lives

Issue 6|5 Tryambakam _ Rachelle Knowles + Mathis Hunter

Issue 6|4 PROTEST _ Jamie Hopper

Issue 6|3 St. Beauty _ Forrest Aguar + Michelle Norris

Issue 6|2 It's Sunny Outside, but the Mourning is Black _ Benjamin Stevenson

Issue 6|1 interview: hutchinson _ Michi Meko


ISSUE 5 |JULY 2016|

Issue 5|5 Rescue Rehabilitate Release _ Davion Alston

Issue 5|4 Danielle Deadwyler talks to Hez Stalcup about Performance, Identity and Prince's bathroom habits. _ Hez Stalcup

Issue 5|3 What do you call the opposite of a witch hunt? _ Mike Germon

Issue 5|2 the unspoken glossary of oneAnother _ Clara S. Guyton

Issue 5|1 Sensorium _ Gina Titelman 


ISSUE 4 |JUNE 2016|

Issue 4|3 Intro Perspective _ Jared Kelley

Issue 4|2 interview: downs _ Michi Meko

Issue 4|1 O Dreamland _ Andrew Alexander


ISSUE 3 |MAY 2016|

Issue 3|7 The World Then the Fireworks _ Jess Bernhart

Issue 3|6 Nothing Matters Everything Matters _ Nick Madden

Issue 3|5 Cataloguing Compliments//Commonplacing Experiences _ Anicka Austin

Issue 3|4 Only the Animals _ Jessica Caldas

Issue 3|3 I AM I AM _ Kelly Blackmon

Issue 3|2...Rise...Fall...Diamonds _ Jordan Stubbs

Issue 3|1 This is what makes me not a poet _ Nicholas Surbey



Issue 2|4 Pieces to Something/Something to Pieces, Of Eight _ Chanel Kim

Issue 2|3 For/Against: Double Distance _ Tori Tinsley

Issue 2|2 a google doc of incomplete sentences or thoughts on joy as activism _ MaryGrace Phillips

Issue 2|1 The Cissy White Girls Burden: 'O Teach Me to Be Clean _ Stephanie Pharr and Lam Nguyen



issue 1|6 how to make work about flowers // Molly Rose Freeman

issue 1|5 Placeness // Iman Person

issue 1|4 Blue Lab #3 Score // Diana Crum

issue 1|3 Phone Notes of Note // Hez Stalcup

issue 1|2 hunt and sleep // Erin Palovick

issue 1|1 Unbounded: To See and Not Look Away From // Brian Hitselberger