Time is a Circle: A Simultaneous Examination of the Past, Present & Future of Black Ascension [llucy llong]
Lineage Reflection:
How we connect to our history, ancestry, culture, traditions, familial patterns, spiritual practices, etc.
Mood Board GIF #1 (Photos via Pinterest)
The core belief of Ascend Together In Power is that a strong, healthy family unit is comprised of well-balanced individuals who practice supreme introspection and are in tune with their higher Source/Self.
Mood Board GIF #2 (Photos via Pinterest/Tumblr)
Future Building:
Building a foundation from pillars of lineage reflection and introspection and deciding what traditions, morals, and values will be continued from the past/present. This is also an opportunity to create new ideals to be instilled within our youth.
"if one can rise within, all can rise together"