Movement for an Idle Time [kathleen wessel]
c u r a t o r ’ s n o t e
Kathleen took on the same assignment I gave myself: to think about her relationship with time. After conversations about the agency to make alternative choices, the time limits of a creative process, and Dr. Julie B Johnson’s work exploring idleness and the black body, Kathleen had four days to produce an artifact as response.
//Nicholas Surbey
Choreography, Performance & Editing: Kathleen Wessel
Videography: Claire Molla Edwards
fLoromancy Issue 34:2
I grew up unaware of the fact that because I was white, I never had to account for spending idle time in public spaces. Pools were and are sources of fun, the water healing. If I hang around behind a restaurant, someone might raise an eyebrow but might even kindly offer me assistance.