and the clouds will be discussed like pop stars. 

Kylie Little


and the clouds will be discussed like pop stars. 

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I’m busy, take a message.

Occupied at the moment.


I’m unavailable, but later.

Always later.


My plate is full

Of fish to fry

Over all the irons in my fire.

Sidekaloutaple (adj.) (See-day-kal-oo-tuple): the feeling you get when you finish 

second place but are honestly happy for the person who finished first

Ex. sentence: Wow, Karen, I am sidekaloutaple! You are so 

deserving of this promotion, I will get the next one.


I had a dream last night that we were swimming in a lake that had just thawed, only the wildlife had not. Geese frozen in midair and we kept diving headfirst into fish.

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Her skin smells of gold

just as solid

but looks like the absence of.

If any were to change my mind

it would be the young

blood running below.

Finding out you’re normal

has to be the hardest thing--

more so than her skin.


Waved away

It was not subtle

In the end

I taste cilantro for what it is

You taste soap
